Skärmdump från film om hållbar vattenanvändning

#Stoppaöverflödet = #Stoptheexcess

Sydvatten’s Save Water Campaign!

There are many reasons to save water. The most important reason is that water is a natural resource that we should handle carefully. Other reasons are that a lot of energy is needed to clean and produce drinking water. We should all try to live more sustainably and when doing that it is important not to waste water. Climate change may affect our water quality and our water supply. Continuous population increase means that we need more water in our societies. All of these reasons put together clearly implies that we all need to help out when it comes to saving water.

Saving water does not mean that you have to refrain from a normal use. But you can save many liters of water just by making smart choices.

Sydvatten has produced 3 films on how to save water by making smart choices. The films are shown on social and digital media and on Pågatågen in Skåne.

Film 1 – saving water when watering your garden.
Film: vattna tidigt på morgonen eller på kvällen när solen inte skiner.

Film 2 – saving water when brushing your teeth.
Film: Stäng kranen när du borstar tänderna så par vi tillsammans 1000-tals liter vatten

#Stoppaöverflödet is freely translated to #Stoptheexcess

If you know Swedish you’ll find more suggestions on how to save water on Sydvattens web page: